In Afaaq, we consider the customer as a partner, i.e his/her success is ours. Thus, we work according to deliberate specific steps and well-studied measures. The definition of these steps and their execution are realized by a cooperative and harmonious working group who prepare and implement projects. These steps can be summarized in the following headings:
A- Needs analysis and selection of appropriate and flexible solutions including:
• Databases
• Interface language (Arabic, English, French)
• The property of research possibility: normal or advanced.
B- Developing a site and programming its sections with the latest web programming technology by committing ourselves to quality standards.
C- Developing innovative ideas and beautiful art designs taking into account the ease of navigation and circulation between sections of the site, and using the flash technology to add more beauty and attractiveness.
D- Choosing the appropriate fonts for titles and texts: type, size and color.
E- During work, engineers and technicians are bounded to conduct tests to verify the reliability and integrity of their work.
F- After completion of the project, a work team in the Department of Site Management performs the necessary tests and makes notes of errors that might appear then re-check to see if the errors had been corrected by the programming team and then propose the changes or improvements needed.
G- Providing the site with a content management system (CMS) which facilitates the control of the content (addition, modification, deletion), including tables, images, graphics and files of different types.
H- Defining the privileges of the users of this system so that only authorized people can modify and update the site each in his/her section.
I- A guide to instruct the user on the procedure to be followed in the update of all sections.
J- To deliver the site on time, delivery is done in two phases:
• First stage: An experimentation stage for testing and trying the specifications. Moreover, the user is provided with a guide that shows him/her how to manage all sections of the site in detail.
• Second stage: The final delivery will be done after the completion of the first stage.
K- Hosting with high quality services, following up all technical issues, supporting all technical questions and creating e-mail addresses for all employees of companies or organisms.
L- Post-delivery: Afaaq''s role does not stop after the delivery of the project; Afaaq is consistently beside the client to provide him/her with technical support, consultation and all necessary services. Furthermore, if the site''s owner wishes to perform a complete or a partial modification to the site, Afaaq implements these changes, while maintaining all the information and input materials already existing in the site and without compromising any useful information.